Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Up and away...........

"UP" (2009)
Rated: PG 
Animated Film
Running time: 96 minutes

I wish I had the capability to fly away, even while still within my home, to a place far, far away - leaving an unfair reality to arrive at a destination that had more meaning to me than anything else in the world. Although I can’t, Carl Fredrickson decided he would as it was the only way out. Thinking up a quick and creative way to literally “fly” away, he floated his house out of the city via helium filled balloons! Much to his surprise, the young wilderness explorer, Russell, who had stopped by earlier, had deeply desired getting his “helping the elderly badge” and was going to tag along until he successfully assisted him! Their adventure forges forward as they travel to South America and meet their fellow voyagers; a rare bird Russell names Kevin and a talking (well, kind of) dog named Dug. Their unique undertaking gets more complicated as they encounter a threat Carl couldn’t have imagined.

While many movies can claim to have a cute little story along the same lines as this, this film touches on something deeper. Pixar is really setting the pace of a new era of animated filmmaking as it manages to be fun, good natured and hilarious yet very authentic and melancholy. It allows its story to be a bit sorrowful, to not gloss over discomforts and pains and it moves us to appreciate friendship, no matter what the form.
In all, the film was wholesome, sweet yet sad, comical and truly a pleasure to watch.

P.S. Watch this in 3-D – words cannot describe how visually incredible the experience is!

In addition to this review, we’d like to introduce a new rating system with picture frames. 
One frame = "It sucks!" to Five frames = "Excellent!"

My rating:

Four and a half frames!

Go to the j1studios forum to chat more about this and other animated films!!! I would like suggestions on animated films I should be watching! 

Next up from me in films: review of "Drag me to Hell"

Danae signing off!

video source:


  1. What a beautiful movie. The 3D version was BANGING!!

  2. Wow, that was like a professional review. Now I really have to step my writing game up to compete with you Danae. Loved the review. Makes me want to see the movie. See you in the forum to discuss.

  3. Great review! I love this site, you guys are rockin' it!!
