Thursday, May 19, 2011


Thor (2011)
Genre: Action/Adventure/Drama
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Rated: PG-13
Running Time: 115 minutes

Based on ancient Germanic/Norse theology of Thor (a powerful god, with the well-known attributes of wielding a powerful hammer and the ability to control thunder), we now meet Marvel's version of Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth. Thor's father, King Odin (Anthony Hopkins), has, after defeating the Frost Giants, set a precedence of peace throughout the Nine Realms (earth comprises one of these realms). He keeps protected, the one thing the Frost Giants need in order to regain their power, The Casket of Ancient Winters. His two sons, Thor & Loki (Tom Hiddleston), both have a chance to become the next King of Asgard. After deliberately disobeying King Odin, and putting the whole kingdom at risk, Thor is stripped of his powers and cast out of Asgard. His hammer is to follow with the hexing that the hammer can only be wielded by one worthy. Upon Thor's arrival to earth, he runs into ;) a young scientist named Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) and you can only imagine the spectacle that then ensues.

Attempting not to give much away about the rest of the story, I will say that the director chose well in his casting of Thor. Chris Hemsworth is a fairly new actor, with no major movie roles (except a minor appearance in the newest Star Trek movie). He did a great job played a young Thor, and that which you would imagine him to be - a warrior, charming, immense, heroic, and even cocky. Also, Tom Hiddleston as Loki brought just the right amount of mischief and looked around with eyes full of need for attention - yet you couldn't help but feel for him. I won't give everything away but for those that know about the comic, you know that there is more than just a little sibling rivalry between the two brothers. Natalie Portman did an alright job. I love her as an actress but this role didn't seem quite the right fit. There was a moment in the film in which you could tell the director put in as he likely hoped it was be a memorable catch-phrase moment involving Jane - it ended up being cheesy and quite misplaced in the atmosphere of the movie. Anthony Hopkins as King Odin kills it (why should we be surprised?!).

In other news, while I don't have crushes often, seeing Thor toss around quite a few federal agents and not bat an eye when threatened by massive opponents was thrilling; I may have to move on from my previous infatuation, Wolverine, 'cuz Thor is no joke!

This is the fourth installation in the Marvel movie series for the Avengers (consisting of The Hulk, Ironman, and Ironman 2). Three more are planned: Captain America, Ironman 3 and, to star all the heroes listed so far; The Avengers (set to be released in 2012).

Overall, solid, solid action movie. If I had to compare to the other Marvel films leading up to this, I'd rate them in this order, with all being at least three out of five frames and in decreasing order: The Hulk, Ironman, Thor then Ironman 2. Now I'm indeed looking forward to the team when they form their alliance and we get to be a part of it!

I give this a 3.5 out of 5 frames!

Here's a trailer:

Head on over to the forum or shoot me an email at with all opinions!

Danae signing off!

1 comment:

  1. Thor got a 3.5?? O_O thats atleast a 2.5 and that's mostly because of the fight scenes
