Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Rio (2011)
Director: Carlos Saldanha
Genre: Animated, Family, Adventure
Running Time: 96 Minutes
Rated: PG

As the story goes, a baby Macaw named Blu (Jesse Eisenberg), native to Rio de Janeiro, is stripped from his beautiful homeland by those from the black market hoping to profit from the selling of exotic birds. Blu is lucky enough to have fallen from the smuggler's truck amidst travel and be found by a little girl named Linda (Leslie Mann). They become the best of friends, in every sense of the word, and via a little montage, we come to present day - Linda as an adult store owner, with Blu helping out in her day to day tasks and him reaping every benefit of her adoration of him. Their life is quiet until a gentleman named Tulio (Rodrigo Santoro) arrives and offers a one-of-a-kind chance; Blu is only living male Macaw left and they have a female they want him to mate with. In Rio de Janeiro! Aside from having to leave all that he knows, Blu has a big problem; he never learned to fly!

This adventure takes place in the heart of this beautiful city. The energetic and native music is an integral part of the experience - so many fun songs! Being that it's 2011 and an American-made film, the featured artists are T-Pain and Jamie Foxx; they do a solid job voicing two supplemental characters and lending a hand to quite a few songs. There is no denying when this film was created and that the marketing is precise; there are quite a few current-day references and body mannerisms placed throughout that are particular to our new generation. There is not too much that is incredibly original yet it doesn't matter - everything was enjoyable: the music, the humor, the love story(s). And thus...

I give this a four out of five frames!!!

Now go fly away and see this movie, you won't regret it!

Post a thought on the forum (www.j1studios.com/forum/) or shoot me an email (bibliophagedanae@hotmail.com) with your response/thoughts!!

Danae signing off!

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