Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Who wants funeral potatoes? Masterchef does!

Channel: FOX
Date & Time: Tuesdays at 9pm
Rating: Had profanity. May want to keep the kids away from this one.

So this summer FOX has continued its love affair with foul mouthed, trash talking super chef Gordon Ramsay. Personally, I’m okay with their love for him. I share the same affections towards the man. This is now FOX’s third show featuring the man. First there was Hell’s Kitchen, where if you read this blog at all you know I am desperately in love with. Second there was Kitchen Nightmares, which I do love but not as much. Now they have Masterchef. I am still on the fence about this one since it is only two episodes in. All of these shows are American takes of the British versions over there on the BBC.

I think everyone knows about Hell’s Kitchen so I won’t go into what it’s all about here. Kitchen Nightmares is less known. It takes the same elements that Ramsay is known for (i.e. yelling obscenities, cooking, making profitable restaurants) so no one is thrown off. In this show it’s not about getting the best chef. It’s about taking a failing restaurant and making it a profitable, successful business. Of course along the way Gordon insults the owners, and the wait staff, and the chefs, and the décor, and the menu and just about anything he can think of. But he also tells them how to make it better. In the end he usually turns the business around and the people are a lot better off for asking him to come in and curse them out.

The new show is Masterchef. Not only is there Gordon Ramsay judging, but there are two other well accomplished chefs. The first is Graham Elliot who was the youngest four star chef in America. That is no easy feat. Many chefs don’t accomplish that in their lives. The other judge is Joe Bastianich. Joe has opened, I believe, 12 successful restaurants around the world and also owns a vineyard or two. These are some pretty impressive judges. If I was a contestant on this show I would be peeing my pants on a regular basis.

So what is the point of Masterchef you guys must be wondering. Well, to be honest, I’m still wondering that myself. I have watched the first two episodes and it has been basically a bunch of “home cooks” preparing a dish that speaks to who they are or some nonsense like that. The cooks that have potential are chosen to be on the show. The ones that they don’t like are insulted and pretty much told to not cook again. Which I think is fine by some of their families. Some of that food looked nasty. After this what happens? Well from what I gather they put the chosen ones through a series of challenges to see who the best is. They are turning a home cook into a professional. It’s not clear if they win any money. I know they don’t win a restaurant. I’m guessing notoriety is what they are looking for here. Justification for leaving whatever job they have now to be a cook. They haven’t been completely clear on what the prize is here. But since I enjoy watching people get screamed and cursed at I’m game to continue watching. It kind of makes me think of Hell’s Kitchen and Top Chef rolled into one. And since I love both shows this could potentially be enjoyable.

So far, and based just on the first two episodes, I'm giving this show 3 1/2 frames. It may deserve more frames later on. But like judges for figure skating, I'm not throwing out the 10s till I see all the skaters.

This is part of the first episode. I couldn't get a shorter clip. Watch the whole thing, it's good. But what I wanted to show you starts in around the 6 minute mark.

Well, until next time kids, this has been Hava!

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