Monday, May 17, 2010

Ironman 2!!!!!

Ironman 2 (2010)
Rated: PG-13
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Running Time: 124 minutes
Director: Jon Favreau

With the first Ironman movie's success (aka power) comes great responsibility (your welcome Peter Parkers all over the world). It is, as it should be, the second installation's responsibility to a) not suck and b) if possible, be as good as, if not better than, the first. The latter is not an easy feat yet is what we hope for; even a smidget of a Dark Knight-esque achievement - the continuation of a good story with the heart of what we enjoyed in the first film. Did Ironman 2 live up to its oh-so-high expectations? The knowledge that we will be seeing War Machine and Black Widow brings much excitement and we all wanted to confirm that this was going to be the movie of 2010. The things we loved in Ironman did roll over into the second; Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) cleverly narcissistic quips and maneuvers, Pepper's (Gwyneth Paltrow) firmness all the while still remaining compromising in her relationship with Tony Stark, the beauty in all of Ironman's advanced technology and James Rhodes' (now played by Don Cheadle) firm beliefs and bravery are just plain ol' cool. We have too the addition of Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) (even I will admit she's hot in this), Whiplash (Mickey Rourke) and Hammer, the weapon's company whose goal is to take Ironman's technology and use it for military use (what's new).

Jon Favreau (who starred in the first and second Ironman as Happy Hogan) did a great job directing the movie;. I don't need to tell you back story or even this film's basis, as most of you have seen the first one yet even if not, the basics are straight forward and very easy to google ;). In reality, your not really going to see this on the basis of this being a life-changing epic. Ironman is a Marvel superhero and we to be wow'ed, pumped up, thrilled, laugh, see lots and lots of action and for those who have read the comic book, want to see the pages come to life. The action was great - when you FINALLY get to see War Machine and Ironman fight together, you are amped and yearn for complete destruction. Yet their combined combat is too short-lived; it was quality but not quantity - I wanted to see more! This is an action movie and although I do indeed think that the story is quite important, there had to be a way to have at least 20 more minutes of action. Another bothersome note: a few parts were a bit slow: some interactions between Tony Stark and Pepper, while true to the story, didn't seem necessary or even the need to be longer than a minute or two. Some of the scene transitions were a bit rough around the edges. Yet there were some quite satisfying features: Mickey Rourke as Whiplash was convincing and I personally think he is an amazing actor. (Unfortunately the way the story was written though left me a bit dissatisfied as I believe we should've seen more of him and his past). Overall I have more positive thoughts coming from this film than not and the positives far outweigh the negatives. Tony Stark is a character I would LOVE to see again soon and done up in the same sort of manner: strong, powerful, crazy and ready to take on anyone!

All in all, this is worth getting off your couch and paying, yes I said paying, to see it. Not quite the same impact as the first but a definitive yes for your dvd/Blu-Ray collection.

I give this a 3.5 out of 5 frames!

See the trailer here:

Tell me if you agree with my conclusion or not via the forum, blog page or email.

Danae signing off!
