Tuesday, July 28, 2009

True Blood... it's truly "fangtastic"

Sundays at 9pm

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better….

A young man joining a church that promotes the “purging” of the sinfulness and evil that are vampires when just last season he was addicted to “V” – vampire blood.

A strong-willed guy, trapped in a vampire lair for weeks, starved, abused, scared, returns to a “normal” life only to have them return and request of him a big favor.

An innocent and naïve teenage red-head just turned by a vampire, with her bitter at the tight leash her maker is trying to keep on her, falls for a sweet young local.

This is just a smidgen of the drama, the blood lust, the incredibly addictive insanity of what goes on in a small town called Bon Temps, Louisiana. If you haven’t heard of it, a) you should be ashamed (or maybe you’re just afraid) and b) find a way to watch it!! This is only season two of HBO’s newest hit, True Blood and it gets tastier and tastier by the moment!

We met Sookie Stackhouse (a telepath and the main character) in the first season, waitressing at the Merlotte’s, owned by Sam Merlotte. It is the spot where all the locals gather and at which Sookie meets her first vampire, Bill Compton and falls hard. This relationship breeds controversy as vampires are fighting for their rights as a critical part of society. Their argument is backed by the option to not feed on humans any longer but on synthetic blood called True Blood. Followed by their encounter is a fight in which Sookie saves Bill and their lives are now forever intertwined. The episodes are pregnant with new secrets, forbidden love, personality clashes, and blood sucking vampires. I’m so immensely pleased at the aura of the writing and the acting – you are clutching your pillow out of anxiety to discover if Sookie’s brother really did kill those women, or if it will be discovered whether Lafayette is simply missing or dead.

I don’t want to give away ANY spoilers because it

You must bite, suck and feed on this juiciness. Don’t be afraid…

Don't act like you're surprised:

see below for a preview of season 2.... eeeeeek!!!!

Head on over to www.j1studios.com to chat about your favorite moments.

Danae signing off!

video source:www.youtube.com

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic show! Glamour...! I'm going over to the forum to say what I really want to say.
