Wednesday, July 15, 2009

“Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009)
Rated PG-13
Running Time: 150 minutes

In the mood for a serious dedication to the Transformer’s fan base, nonstop heroism and laud worthy movie making? Run, run as fast as you can, don’t look back, stop for no one and be thankful you survived because you are not going to find it here.

This movie is not worth the time to summarize the ridiculousness-masked-by-crazy-cg-effects-and-pretty-neat-fighting-scenes so please read the following from “The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron's dead body has been stolen from the US Military by Skorpinox and revives him using his own spark. Now Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticon reinforcements on the way, the Autobots with reinforcements of their own, may have more to deal with then meets the eye.”

Blah blah blah - the second installation of the Transformers epic was a much-awaited experience. 2007’s “Transformers” while slightly irking some of the die-hard fans due to technicalities, was overall, an exciting experience. The storyline was simple yet for a first movie needed not to be overwhelming. You truly saw who the Autobots were and pledged allegiance! Yet director Michael Bay had to ruin a good thing figuring all that us easily deceivable viewers needed was awesome computer effects and a hot girl and we would be set. Ugh! (Yes, another sound effect because this movie required such). Here were some of the thoughts running through my head while hanging my head in disappointment upon exiting the theatre:

Did we have to see Sam and Mikaela making out while his parents watched? Why did Sam’s mom have to be awkward and “accidentally” ingest a few weed brownies (and this film is marketed to children?)? Why does the one Middle Eastern’s man appearance involve buckteeth and bumbling half sentences? How about the uneducated, reckless unnecessariousness (new word) that are the two Autobots, Skids and Mudflap, that reflect a very racist stereotype? Do we need to see that much of Sam’s transition to college, the simplicity that is him and Mikaela’s romance and cliché dialogue?

Spare me the “greatness” that is Revenge of the Fallen and bring me back to the valiant Optimus Prime’s and the adventures him and his Autobots encounter. I do not need the high school/collage drama – give me a real TRANSFORMERS MOVIE!!!

I just watched the trailer which made me angry as there was an overflow of potential and yet... :(

I give this movie a two out of five frames.

Go to to voice your highly valued opinion!

Danae signing off

video source:

1 comment:

  1. Your review was so right! It didn't live up to any of my expectations.
