Sunday, November 14, 2010

Coco has returned!

Channel: TBS (check your local listings)
Day/Time: Monday-Thursday at 11pm

CO-NAN! CO-NAN! CO-NAN! CO-NAN! CO-NAN! I guess you can tell I’m excited that Conan O’Brien is back on late night. Millions of people have been anxiously anticipating his return since his untimely demise from the Tonight Show over on NBC. You can now find Conan’s new show, aptly named “Conan,” on TBS. They have been hyping up his return for months now so you know they had to deliver. Deliver they did.

Conan pretty much had to come back just as good, if not ridiculously better than when he was on NBC. He had to make them regret the day that they royally screwed him and all of his staff. Personally, I think that his five minute introduction video of what happened “last season on Conan” did just that. I was laughing from beginning to end. Along with Conan we get his signature self-deprecating monologue. He certainly poked a lot of fun at himself and his prior situation. One of the best jokes was that he named his show “Conan” so that no one else could host it but him. He is now backed up by the Basic Cable Band, who isn’t let by the usual Max Weinberg, but is now being led by Jimmy Vivino. It’s basically the old band minus Max.

The show lined up a pretty decent troop of guests for the first week. The first show featured a performance of Conan and Jack White from the White Stripes. Amazing! The second show had Academy Award winning Tom Hanks showing off his vast knowledge of whales. And they soaked him! Hilarious! Third show brought us Jon Hamm of Mad Men fame. Genius! The fourth show gave us Michael Cera and the comedic styling of Jon Dore. And that’s only one example from each show.

I have to say that I LOVED the first week. If I had any complaints it would be that it isn’t five nights a week. You only get Conan Monday-Thursday. And as my boyfriend pointed out, how is he really supposed to compete with the other late night shows if he is only on four nights a week while everyone else is on five. But his numbers weren’t bad. The first show brought in about 4.2 million viewers. While his numbers did slip as the week progressed (averaging about 2.7 million a night) I don’t think that is any indication that in another nine months he will be on another network. All in all I think Conan on TBS is a success. I look forward to watching him night after night and laughing my butt off.

I give Conan’s new late night show 5 frames out of 5. I love him and I love the new show and I know it can only get better from here.

Here is the clip of what happened "last season on Conan."

For any and all info regarding Conan's new show head on over to

Until next time kids, this has been Hava.

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