Wednesday, October 6, 2010

They're dropping like flies

So already this new season we have lost at least 2 shows that were supposed to be big, My Generation and Lone Star. What is really sad is that these shows were canceled after only two episodes each. Personally I don't think these shows were given a chance. How are you really supposed to know how well a show will perform after only two episodes?

Lone Star was much publicized and hyped up. The critics loved it. I thought it wasn't that bad. It had potential. It was airing on Mondays on FOX. Yes Mondays are packed with shows that are pretty good and now we have Monday night football so that's always tough. It was a hard sell for that night. I think that if they had moved it to a different night, or just started it on a different night all together it could have gone further. The show had a good premise (see an earlier review of mine of the upfronts) and good, strong actors to carry it. I think FOX let this one go too soon.

Unlike Lone Star, My Generation got next to no publicity. And the publicity it did get was all through the internet. They tried to make it some sort of viral text, blog undercover thing. They wanted to market it to the younger crowd so they thought that sort of ad campaign would draw it a following. Unfortunately, they were wrong. Hardly any people heard of it. They only started to show commercial previews and put up billboards and whatnot about a month before preview date. I think by then it was too late. The idea of the show made sense. I could see where the younger set might find it interesting. I just think they went about it the wrong way. Documentary style is interesting, but too many things are being done that way now that it no longer is as interesting as it once was. I think this show may have been canceled in the near future, but not until mid season when they trot out the shows they didn't have too much confidence in.

I'm sure these shows won't be the last in early cancellations. There may be shows out there on better days and times that seem to be drawing attention but in the end will lose out to tried and true shows that everyone is use to. What positive thing can we say for these shows? At least they didn't end up like Blonde Charity Mafia, Day One, or Our Little Genius. What? You haven't heard of these? I'm shocked you never heard of shows that never even made it to air. So at least My Generation and Lone Star got two episodes. There are many other shows that got the axe after one. Talk about no hope or faith in their abilities to produce an audience. Well, I salute you shows. You made a valiant effort. You could have been amazing. You could have been a contender. But your networks failed you in either one way or another. You weren't the first, and you certainly will not be the last.

In your honor, instead of awarding you frames, I will award you a moment of silence consisting of five seconds for each show. You will be missed by some and not by many since they never got the chance to experience you.

Head on over to the forum at and discuss what you think about networks canceling shows early, if you thought these shows should have been given a chance, or even what shows you think should get the boot next. Or just put it in the comments here.

Till next time kids, this has been Hava.

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