Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Predators (2010)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Running Time: Approximately 107 minutes
Rated: R
Director: Nimrod Antal

We meet Royce (Adrian Brody) abruptly, as he is awoken, mid air, dropping quickly through the atmosphere towards land as he struggles to pull his chute. Once on solid ground, he discovers he is not the only one who was revived by this method. He meets, among others, Nikolai (Oleg Taktarov), a Russian soldier, Cuchillo (Danny Trejo), a member of the Mexican drug cartel, Isabelle (Alice Braga), an Israeli black ops sniper and Edwin (Topher Grace), a surgeon who seemingly doesn't fit in with the crowd of killers. Amongst the scuffle, they determine that they are not there to hunt each other, but to defend themselves from being hunted.

They determine that they were placed, though not known by who, on a planet being used as a game reserve. And they are the game. They conclude that they were chosen because of who they were - predators themselves. What better opponent, or challenge, then other creatures that hunt for a living? Wikipedia notes (either I missed this or they guessed) that the Predators themselves brought them there so they could hone their skills - this would make the most sense as the only other entity that would drop them there would be fellow human beings and although certainly capable, harder on the conscious.

The director, Nimrod Antal, stuck with the action movie basics: characters with drive and personality, a formidable enemy, a reason to fight and of course - lots of explosions, violence, blood and death. There were parallels with the original film. Each Predator can sense body heat, making it difficult to hide and, as Arnold S. did in the first film, we see some mud-covering to prevent discovery. In the 1987 movie, a highly spiritual Navajo warrior, Billy, stays behind as an honorable fighter, to face the creature in hand to hand combat and allowing more time for others to get away - there is a similar scene in this sequel.

The neat new surprises was that of a type of hunting hound yet seeing as it was the Predator's pet - they were much bigger and much tougher! In addition, we learn the classes between Predators and how they hunt.

Thank goodness there was no ridiculous and miraculous dodging-bullets-in-a-clearing or even needless love-making. Why there always seems to be a romance/kissing scene amidst a pressing need to escape is besides me. Somehow, despite being surrounded by enemies, many films portray the protagonist, while having only minutes to escape, finding time to look longingly into the eyes of the one whom, although they've butted heads previously, they are destined to be with. They then must lean in for a kiss that absolutely could not wait until after death wasn't knocking at the door (not a peeve of mine, no not at ALL!).

Note: Although Adrian Brody may be a surprise as the lead for this genre of film, he fits the mold for Royce the mercenary. He does a great job as an action hero (cue the strong and decisive action hero phrases where needed :))

My prediction allowed for a moderate "wow factor", respectable action scenes, a semi-believable story and lots and lots of violence. Expectations exceeded? No. Disappointed? Not at all. Job well done, Arnold would be proud.

This receives a solid three out of five frames.

Here is the trailer!!

Will you go to see this or wait for something else to come? Let me know via email or the forum at:

Danae signing off!

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