Monday, January 4, 2010

Year End Madness!

2009 brought us the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly. Arriving peacefully and with all limbs into 2010, it's time to look back on the happenings of this past year in a two-parter (hide the excitement people!). This is purely opinion (and we all know my opinion is gold) so all may not agree but here are some of my favorites, memorable by quantity of bloodshed, quality of writing etc... ;)

The Best:

Drag Me to Hell
(see my review from earlier this year!)

Monsters vs. Aliens
Surprisingly quick-witted and adorable...

District 9
See review from earlier this year, scroll baby, scroll!

(you know the deal by now, reviewed this ;p)

Star Trek
This is worth buying, highly recommended!

Honorable Mentions
This list consists of movies either loved by me or raved about by the masses. I think these are solid films, just didn't quite make the top 9 cut.

For us sci-fi-ers, a must see of 2009.

The Hangover
Not for the sensitive, this somewhat linguistically crude film had an absurdity you couldn't help but giggle at.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
A solid addition to the Potter collection. Not quite memorable enough for me but enjoyable nonetheless.

Many had their qualms about the nuances compared to the comic while others thought it boring. I would dare say it barely missed the top 9 - it was an intriguing story with layered characters. Had I been a fan prior to the release; this may have been the cat's meow.

I'll leave you with a couple films that are the antithesis of good. I only have one things to say about them: "Fail."

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
I had hope, just a bit, so why.....

Tell me what your picks of the best and worst movies of 2009 on the forum.

Danae signing off!


  1. Sweet Danae, I wanna see Drag me to Hell, don't think Brandon will watch with though. About to watch District 9 this week. Agree with Hangover, we liked it! Monsters Vs. Aliens was quite funny, the kids LOVED it. :D

  2. I think the Hangover should have made it to the top 9. I loved it! I was laughing the entire time. But I agree with pretty much everything else. District 9 was amazing! Can't wait for the rest of it.
