Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Serena is too proud to be the Marilyn while everyone else wants to be the Jackie

"Gossip Girl"
Channel: CW (check local listings
Day/Time: Mondays at 9pm
Rating: Mature,

Oh Gossip Girl, how I love you. The way you make us all sit here and wonder if Serena is really so dumb as to think that this new congressman would actually give up his career and reputation for her is amazing. How you make me see Chuck as Hamlet, talking to his dead father is inspiring. While his father wasn’t asking that he avenge his death, instead criticizing him to the fullest, makes no never mind to me. And poor misguided Jenny, seemingly becoming a nicer queen but really only doing it to mask her own devious behavior of selling drugs without her raccoon eyes, really makes you ponder life.

The events of the past episode kind of made sense but also left you wondering how in the hell people don’t just throw their hands up in the air in bewilderment throughout the whole episode. Apparently it is the one year anniversary of Chuck’s dad’s death and he isn’t handling it well. He sees him and is talking to him throughout the whole show. It goes a bit far seeing as how they haven’t shown this behavior at all in the past episodes but what the hell. Wasn’t the worst part of the show. Jenny selling drugs to pay for her once undesired queendom wasn’t even the worst part. Dan trying to get over and/or cover up his love for Vanessa with her clearly desperate drama school friend wasn’t the worst part (even though it was pretty horrendous when she pulled out what I imagine to be a Carrie Prejean style sex tape of herself to seduce him).

Clearly the worst part was the whole blackmail ridiculousness that was the situation between Serena, Trip (the married congressman), Maureen (his wife), and the letter from Serena’s biological father to her mother Lily. Yes, I know it sounds convoluted but need I remind you that this is basically a teen soap? So pretty much Serena ran off with Trip for a week, amazingly he had no congressmanly duties, and Maureen finds them to blackmail them. Serena doesn’t believe that Trip would lie to her about meeting with Maureen and gets all indignant when she learns the truth from Nate, Trip’s cousin and of course a past lover of Serena who still loves her. She tries to run off with all her bags into the middle of the biggest “town” in NY, Nassau County, and runs smack into Trip outside the door. They drive off and in the midst of driving her home Trip gets kind of creepy stalker like and not paying attention runs into the guardrail while trying to avoid a wayward pack of three wolves. Where Trip really lets me down is he calls MAUREEN first instead of 911 to help the passed out Serena. In the end we find that he really is like a spineless politician when he goes with Maureen and their thinly veiled Chappaquiddick reference kind of lost all meaning in and amongst the scenes following. I mean, I don’t care what this letter has to say about whatever Lily was doing with Serena’s biological father when she claimed to be with her ailing cancer stricken mother, I don’t think it would be enough to blackmail Serena with. All Lily has to do is come clean to her now husband, Rufus, and Maureen has nothing. And how could Maureen just give up her trump card to Rufus? Makes no sense! Yes I am leaving out some things here, but you get the gist.

I think I loved the end when Chuck finally went to his dad’s grave and finds a mysterious woman leaving the same flowers that were his dead mother’s favorite. Obviously we are supposed to be led to believe that this is his mother. While it’s all tied together with a locket, and that’s cheesy, it still made me want to see the next episode and find out why his mother is really alive and where she’s been this entire time pretending to be dead. Needless to say, I can’t wait for the next episode. And I’m not ashamed one bit people.

I give this episode four frames just because of the promise for the next episode and some of the funny things that happened this episode.

Here is a clip from what is coming up on the next episode that is coming, sadly, in 2010.

Head over to's forum to discuss Gossip Girl or tell me that you hate it and can't believe I watch it. (Doesn't matter cause I'm going to keep watching it.)

Until next time kids, this has been Hava!

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