Friday, November 13, 2009

MOVIE PREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have more, I have more!!!!

A couple months ago, I posted trailers of movies I was looking forward to. The only one seen was Zombieland (see my review on 10/26/09) as that’s the only one to have been released yet.

The last previews I posted were for:

• Wolfman (in theatres February 10th, 2010)
• Ninja Assassin (in theatres November 25th, 2009)
• Zombieland (released October 2nd, 2009)
• 2012 (in theatres November 13th, 2009 = today!)

Ninja Assassin and 2012 will be seen soon enough, just keep checking in for my review!!

There are indeed many more films to anticipate, at least these are some I'm anxious to see. Take a peeksie of the following trailers and tell me what you think!

Based on the action game, Prince of Persia (2009) starring Jake Gyllenhaal seems interesting. He looks enough like the character and is not too shabby to look at either ;) I usually can gauge how well I'll think a movie will be prior to release and I'd say that it looks to be a decent/neat video game-based action movie. Nothing more, nothing less! The film will be released May 28, 2010.

While I usually tend towards the non-emotional, this movie looks like a tear-jerker. Yet as a family-centered gal, the intensity of the topic and the idea that someone can communicate after death to those still "alive", is intriguing. Set to be released January 15, 2010, see The Lovely Bones (2009):

The Storm Warriors (or Storm Riders II) (2009)
Lastly, by accident I saw this title and was intrigued. In viewing the trailer, my eyes loved the flow of motion and artistry shown in the fight scenes. The original, Storm Riders, which came out in 1998, was a movie based off of a Chinese comic called Fung Wan. This is the second film yet was made to be a stand-alone. Set to be released in China on December 17, 2009, I'm uncertain when we'll see it here (but usually things are ruined once they get here so trying to see the original Chinese movie with subtitles seems to be the wisest move). Check it out:

Tell me what you think: comment on the forum, post a message or shoot me an email!

Danae signing off!


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